Sketchy: Itona’s Back


Minna-chan, Konnichiwa

A desu ~

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It’s Itona’s time. He’s back, and this time, for the better.

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I finally got to catch up with my favorite anime. This episode has to be my favorite episode so far from the whole series mainly because they showed Itona’s backstory.

How he achieved those tentacles

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Where his thirst for strength and victory came from

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As always, they never fail to show the despicable truth about our society. They showed the awful, and loathsome attitudes of adults through Shiro.

‘course the usual Koro-sensei lesson is present

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And I just love how Terasaka was the one who was pulling strings this time. Knowing how Itano must have felt, he was able to pull him back. Just like what he did when Nagisa snapped.

Now, Itona is official part of Class E. Itona’s sharp tongue still remains but he manage to easily get along with everyone. ( although on my opinion he was more popular to everyone on the manga ) Screenshot (134)

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He did end up with being a part of Terasaka’s group.

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I did a couple of character sketches. I was unable to draw Itona though.

Well, that’s all for now.

Maa, ja nee ~


Sketchy: みつけた!



Minna-chan, Konnichiwa

A desu ~

College just got busy. Exam days are here, projects are piling up, and our dance performance is nearing up. Despite my busy schedule, I still find some time to do quick sketches. Still going with vocaloids as my topic, I went and Hatsune Miku’s Hitorinbo Envy.

This is one of my all-time favorite. Specifically in this music video, it contains a subtle darkness and end with a happy ending.

” Come
love, love come over here
with open hands, I touch it; ouch! “

I wanted to make a comic-style sketch but I still have plenty of works left undone.

Also, a bit random and irrelevant, I bought an addition to my keychain collection.


Maa, ja nee ~


2016 Sketchpad


Minna-chan, konbanwa!

A desu ~

I recently got one of the coolest notebook. It’s small yet big enough to draw and sketch on. The best part is it isn’t ruled.


I added an anime pic on it. I just didn’t feel like seeing a company name on my sketchpad, besides, it’s much cooler this way.

I’ve been practicing a lot but I never show them to anyone. Thus, I decided to show my progress here (also, as to create a regular content)

Sketchy 1


A quick sketch of the female character from One of Repetition’s PV. It’s been stuck on my head for quite a while now. Its melody and lyrics just strike right into my heart.

“Love is what you said you had for me
I’m wondering if it was to see how tamed I’d be”

That’s it for my first Sketchy entry. I’ll try to draw as much as I can.

Maa, ja nee ~
